Tuesday, April 29, 2014

asparagus and flame azalea

I've done a lots of flower arrangements in the past few days--some for a wedding and some for myself--but none did I enjoy making quite as much as I did making this one. It started with the black vase (which magically reappeared after I thought I'd lost it), proceeded to the flame azalea (which the deer inexplicably let bloom this year), and continued on through a couple of minutes of trying to decide how to position this beautiful, curved asparagus spear (which I'd cut, along with others,at Flower Camp on Sunday). I kept trying to use it upright, but that just wasn't working, so I tried just leaning it on the vase (which didn't work either), then I tried laying it horizontally through the azalea and across the lip of the vase. This I like!

P.S. There's a little bit of  peony foliage in this, too.

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