Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sept. 14, 2011

What was an easy arrangement to create today turned out to be a hard arrangement to blog about tonight. I went into the garden to pick some filler flowers to add to another, larger arrangement, but I decided I liked the way the flowers in my hand looked--the filler flowers alone--better than the big arrangement I was working on. So I dropped those flowers--goldenrod, apricot-colored zinnias, purple asters, and some lavendar false dragonhead---into a glass vase. I should have stopped there, but, instead, I tried to add a dish of veggies---purple eggplant, orange peppers, reddish winter squash---as "accessories."  Unfortunately, the original flowers don't show up well in the bright window light, the eggplants look like beached whales in their dish, and something that was quite simple and pretty now looks sort of contrived (a consequence of trying too hard).  And not only that, but tonight I'm dealing with computer troubles that made posting this entry take FOREVER.  I'm trying to remember that sweet moment this afternoon when I looked at the goldenrod, zinnias, asters, and false dragonhead in my hand and thought "ah, I like this."


  1. Hi Nancy,
    Thanks for telling me about your blog! I love it. I particularly like what you did with the cockscombs. I've never really warmed up to these flowers but your arrangement made me change my mind. Miss seeing you. Paula
    P.S. I added a link to your blog from mine ( Keep it up. It's great!

  2. The matching colors of the veggies and flowers in the 9/14 arrangement are really nice. But I do agree that the eggplants look like they are a bit uncomfortable. :)
