Thursday, September 15, 2011

Septemver 15-- 4 o'clock

This photo may be a little hard to read. It's a salmon-colored four o'clock in a glass hibiscus holder. (Remember hibuscus holder from Sept. 6?)  I was coveting a hibiscus holder like the one Louise Witherspoon had when she gave me this one! It's really amazing. It actually manages to hold a flower almost horizontally while also offering its stem a little water. Almost defies the laws of gravity. Anyway, today I put a four o'clock flower and a few gourd leaves w/tendrils in it. So pretty. I'd been wondering when 4 o'clocks actually open (they seem to be closed way more than they are open), so today I watched them pretty closely. They were open at 9 a.m., but closed by noon and they were NOT open at 4 p.m. Today they opened at 5:51 p.m., which, even allowing for daylight savings time,  made them an hour late!

This particular four o'clock is just a gorgeous color. I bought the seeds from Select Seeds last winter, but this year I'll save my own, because Louise showed me where to find them (nestled in chalice-shaped flower bracts). They're big and look almost like peppercorns. I'm in love with both this flower and my new hibiscus holder, which I'm also going to try to use for displaying morning glories, too.

Here's a better view of the glass hibiscus holder.

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