Sunday, April 8, 2012

April 8, 2012 -- hiding eggs

The most imaginative things that happened today at Flower Camp had nothing to do with me. In fact, it wasn't even close. I woke up to find that my grandsons had hidden eggs for their younger sister in the most wonderful spots. Those spots included what you can see in this photo, if you look really hard: a pink egg in a dirty sock drying on the clothesline (that sock had been fishing in the river), and a yellow-green egg on a windowsill it would have taken a ladder to reach (if you handn't gone upstairs, opened the window and screen, and perched the yellow plastic egg on the windowsill). The Easter Bunny hops, does he not!?

Those egg hidings inspired me to drop some plastic Easter eggs into the tulip blossoms in my centerpiece, and suddenly something I'd found sort of boring was fun.

Then, dutiful windowsill arranger that I am, I pulled some of the same flowers together (lilac, lavender iris, apricot tulip, Chinese temple bells, wild mustard, purple money plant) in a bottle just to fulfill my "a windowsill arrangement a day" commitment. I wanted to nest a plastic egg in this tulip, too, but it couldn't seem to carry the weight.

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