Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 2, 2102 -- tiny marigold

I'm so thrilled to have this tiny marigold again. (Its blooms are smaller than a dime.) I couldn't find it in any seed catalog this spring, but I had saved seeds from the few plants I had last year, and I planted them with great care. A very few plants were coming up from those seeds when my husband inadvertently weeded them out. I was afraid that was the end of my tiny marigolds forever, but then I noticed four volunteer plants coming up at Flower Camp. They had that unmistakable tiny, tiny, very dissected foliage. Yay! I'm guarding them with my life and will try to save more seeds this fall. Here are a few stems I cut and dropped into the nearest vessel available--and empty spice jar.

Here are the flowers and foliage up close.

And here's an update on the butterfly attached to yesterday's cosmos flower: this morning, the dead butterfly had fallen from the flower and was on the porch floor. The spider had devoured most of its thorax and abdomen.

1 comment:

  1. Marigolds have never been a favorite of mine but I Love these tiny deep colored ones. So happy you were able to Flower Camp.
