Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 7, 2012 -- times change

Today was an exercise in flexibility. I thought I'd be gardening all day at Flower Camp, and, instead, because of the weather, found myself sewing in Ashland. The unexpected switch gave me time to cover some chairs in a fabric I'd bought on Friday (my unconscious must have known it was going to encounter some project time!).  I could go on and on about this fabric. It's a 2012 version of some colors that I think I used to decorate my home in the 1969. It's definitely contemporary, and I'm so proud to be using it, because I see so clearly now why old people's homes look like old people's homes: we just don't have the energy or inclination to change anything! This interests me, too, because I'll be using the new fabric to cover old fabric that I absolutely loved in the 1980s. The old fabric is a Greff (Grief? Greiff?) print that I couldn't afford but managed to make a part of my life by buying maybe 2 yards and using it for pillows, etc. I loved it because it had violet leaves, ferns, trillium flowers and other wild things on it. How had the Greff (?) people managed to read my mind so well?  But times change. And today the fabric I loved so well was used as backing for this new, contemporary print.  But that's only half the story, because I realize what a troglodyte I am for even SEWING in 2012, and who has a RADIADOR (that's the antique heating device) in 2012? The only thing I see as sort of timeless in the following photos is the squash. First photo shows it sitting on my new fabric. Second photo shows it sitting on my old (now covered up) Greff fabric.

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking that I have my farmhome 'updated' to a comfotable style that should last me the next 20-30 years or so ... someone will walking in to buy the place at that point and be appalled that it is "so old and dated"
