Thursday, October 3, 2013

hardy cyclamen

Thank you, photography gods, for finally helping me capture a pretty cyclamen photo. This tiny little flower has been defying my attempts to photograph it on the windowsill, but this morning the light hit it just right. Can you see the reflection of the flowers on the window and the light streaming in?  This isn't your grocer's cyclamen--not the hothouse flower with big blooms. These blooms are tiny little things, and they bloom from corms that get bigger and bigger in the garden. This year, some of mine (the corms that is) are almost as big as bagels, and they have sent up scores of blooms. Unfortunately, some of my cyclamen corms are sitting under a pile of wood debris left behind by a tree trimmer, and it's really painful to see them trying to peek out from under the wood. The wood will get moved eventually and I hope the hidden cyclamen survive, because once they get this big (the corms that is) they're treasures. They also start showing up in places where you didn't plant them, because I think ants move the seeds.

P.S. The leaves in the vase are not cyclamen leaves. They come up later. 

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