Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3, 2012 -- Cracker Barrel inspiration (or Yesterday with Orange Added)

Yesterday, in search of Easter treats for grandchildren, I made my way to Cracker Barrel, where there was lots of idulgent-but-not-totally-unhealthy stuff (like chocolate covered sunflower seeds). While there, I encountered a $7 plate I liked, which I thought would make a great birthday gift for my sister, because it had a hummingbird on it (and she loves hummingbirds). Well, my sister may never see the plate, because I'm now totally in love with it. The colors really interested me, and, in fact, I realized that by adding orange and blue to the flowers I'd used in the windowsill yesterday, I'd have a similar combination. (I must have already been gravitating toward these colors, because my new coffee cups are that old-fashioned turquoise blue.) So now, in my turqoise mug, are all the flowers I used in yesterday's windowsill arragement plus 'Princess Irene' tulips (orange with purplish striations, some periwinkle flowers, and a couple of heuchera leaves. Who'd have thought pink and orange could work so wonderfully together!? And I love the fact that this was inspired by a decorative plate from Cracker Barrel.

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