Sunday, March 30, 2014

pussy willow, daffodil foliage, and aconite foliage in celery seed tin

I'm not sure Crown Colony (a Safeway brand) still even exists, but this little tin of celery seed was still on my shelf this morning, when I needed celery seed. Used the last of it in a cole slaw dressing then left the tin sitting around hoping it would inspire me to put something in it. It didn't happen immediately, but I eventually realized black pussy willow would suit it.  First, I added some tiny pussy willow twigs, then, to hold that upright, some dead cryptomeria foliage, then, for good bright green color, some daffodil foliage, then for REALLY bright green color, one umbrella-like leaf from a winter aconite plant.


I can see from the photo, in a way that I couldn't see it in the kitchen, that the lines of this arrangement could use some tweaking! And this won't last very long, because I discovered immediately that the little tin leaks. I emptied it of water and decided to use it anyway, because the pussy willow doesn't really need water and the daffodil foliage and aconite leaf will hold up until at least after dinner without it.  

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