Friday, March 28, 2014

scrambled eggs

You know you may be getting a little to deeply into your flower arranging when you change the way you crack your breakfast egg to make a vase! That's what happened this morning, because I wanted to drop a scrambled egg daffodil (that's a variety with many sort of poorly organized petals) into an eggshell I had used for a vase yesterday, but this morning, I wanted the eggshell taller, so I knocked just the top off of it.  To make it stand up on a plate, I attached it to the plate with a drop of floral adhesive. Voila--sweet vase.  I had this all set up with daffodil in place, when I decided it would be fun to put the top of the eggshell in the photo (as if the emerging daffy--think chick--had popped it off), so I had to fish that out of the compost bucket. Crazy, crazy. But fun! And I do love the sight of a scrambled egg emerging from an eggshell! Second photo shows a different, fully open scrambled egg daffodil in the eggshell.

Thanks to Audrey Suhr for these beautiful blue eggs (from her chickens)!

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