Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6, 2012 -- very old hot peppers

This was just too funny not to share. John and I are renting Flower Camp next week, so I was spiffing things up. And spiffing things up meant refurbishing some dried arrangements that had gotten faded and dusty. I was pulling one arrangement apart, when I encountered something silvery that looked like a fork. I was bumfuzzled about why a fork should be in my arrangement until I remembered that, a couple of years ago, I'd wanted to include some red peppers with short stems in the arrangement. Because their stems were short and I wanted the peppers to stand high, I'd attached them to the tines of a fork (acutally two forks) then jammed the handles of the forks into floral foam. In the arrangement, you couldn't see the forks but the peppers stood right where I wanted them. And here they are, petrified on the fork tines, years later!

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