Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7, 2012 -- mustard leaves, honeysuckle, etc.

I knew today's conglomeration had to have honeysuckle in it -- it's blooming everywhere, and growing as I write -- but what else, I wasn't sure. Turns out the things that moved me were mustard leaves, an old climbing white rose called 'Gardenia,' and a small yellow daylily flower (which you can barely see in the photo).
Truth be told, I'm not entirely sure these are mustard leaves. Could they be curly kale? The plants have yellow flowers like mustard. I got my leafy greens entirely mixed up when I planted their seeds this spring and now I don't know what's what. My very favorite leafy green (taste-wise) is something I can't even identify!
Whatever these leaves are, they're gorgeous!

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