Friday, May 13, 2011

May 12, 2011, Buckingham

This seems too amazing to be true, but it is: I gathered some flowers up this afternoon, put them in a bottle, and placed it on the kitchen windowsill. Didn't like the way the curtain rod put a line through the arrangement (picky, picky!), so I moved the bottle to a window near the couch. It was barely out of my hand when I noticed a luna moth outside on the screen! Gorgeous. In photos below, try to find the luna moth! The last photo shows the outside view of what I saw first from the inside. In bottle are rugosa rose blossoms, a yellow-green hunk of peony foliage, some arugula stems loaded with green seed pods, and a couple of Byzantine glads (a small-flowered, early gladiolus).

This all happened on May 12 but didn't get posted until May 13, because Blogger was down.

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