Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 8, 2011

This is more flowers than I usually have on the windowsill, but it's Mother's Day! This wonderful single peony is Hawaian Coral, I think. The iris that you can barely see in background is a pale, pale yellow, very small-flowered bearded iris that was growing on the Flower Camp property when my husband and I bought it 36 years ago. I used to think it was sort of lackluster, but I've learned to treasure it. Unlike other irises, it doesn't call attention to itself and blends beautifully with lots of things (not to mention the fact that by now it could probably be considered an heirloom!).  This photo proved to me that I've got to learn more about my camera. Couldn't figure out how to use flash the way I wanted to, and the only reason you can see this as well as you can is that I photoshopped it to add light!

The previous arrangement is in a stark, sort of modern black container (not usually my style), because I was using a similar, even more contemporary, container nearby and I wanted the arrangements to work well together.  I love the shadow of arrangement below on kitchen wall! The tall green material is rhubarb (gone to seed). The loop on the right is made of weeping willow (now dead, but still useful; I've used in in half a dozen arrangements this spring).

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